
The World’s Largest Supplier of Handmade Oil Painting Reproductions, Custom Paintings, & Portraits

Accepted Payment Methods

payment methods
We are happy to accept the following methods of payment:

Credit Cards, Debit, Check Cards - American Express, MasterCard, and Visa.

Wire transfers - for order of $5000 or more.

We are committed to protecting your information. We take all credit card transactions via a secured, bank-authorized credit card processing company and through a 256 bit SSL encrypted and secured web page. No person will see your credit card information as it is all done electronically. We also do not keep your credit card number on file. As an added level of security, all purchases are guaranteed by both your credit card and our processing company.

Please visit our Ordering section for more information pertaining to ordering.

When is My Order Charged?

payment charge
You pay when you place your order with us. As our paintings are handmade, before we begin working on your painting, we need to know that you have the means to pay for it. However, keep in mind that all paintings ordered from 1st Art Gallery are backed by our 100% money back guarantee.

Your Payment Information

payment lock
During checkout, you are required to select a payment method. For Credit, debit and check cards - enter your card type, card number, expiration date and three or four digits security number, as well as your name, address, and phone number as they appear on your billing statements.

For orders of $5000 or more it is possible to make an electronic wire transfer. Please contact us for further details.

Questions and Concerns

Should you have any additional questions about payments, please contact us.
