Pre-Raphaelites oil painting reproductions
1848 - 1855

Pre-Raphaelites Paintings

The Pre-Raphaelites were a secret society founded in 1848 by seven students of the Royal Academy of Arts in London, with the academy’s first president still in charge, Sir Joshua Reynolds. Originally called the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, meaning the Brotherhood “before Raphael.” The group was against the strict stipulations, dark color pallets and predetermined themes of the Academy, and would sign all paintings with the initials PRB, to remain anonymous....

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Pre-Raphaelites: Questions & Answers

  • Prices start at $312.95. The cost depends on factors such as painting size and complexity. Larger paintings generally have higher prices.

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  • We ship paintings via FedEx, DHL, or UPS with an estimated delivery time of 20-25 days.

  • We can paint any painting, at any size, to ensure all sizes are available for our users.

  • If you find yourself facing challenges with picking Pre-Raphaelites Oil Painting Reproductions, our team of experts is here to assist you. Please feel free to contact us for further help.

  • Most popular Pre-Raphaelites Oil Paintings currently are:

    Boreas 1903

    The Lady of Shalott 1888

    A Mermaid 1900

    Hylas and the Nymphs 1896

    Midsummer Eve